Human Sexuality Project - Naugle
Purpose: To use a song or a portion of a song that relates to you and how you feel about relationships.
Grades: This is a 100 point project. For every day it is late, there will be a 20 point reduction.
- Find the song and/or stanza.
- Make a poster that is larger than 8 ½ x 11 (that is the size of printer paper) that has your song or stanza on it. It should be neat and decorated; meaning, I can hang it on my walls and use your creativeness to make my room a prettier place.
- You are going to right a ½ - 1 page synopsis of how and why that song relates to you. THIS PORTION WILL NOT BE SHARED OR HUNG UP FOR ANYONE TO SEE. The font size can be no larger than 11. Do not move the margins or the spacing, don’t forget, I am a genius on a computer and can see that junk a mile away!
If you are not sure if your paper is long enough, please click this link. There is a box on the document that you can use to measure your document. CLICK IT TWICE TO MAKE IT A FULL SIZED DOCUMENT!!
Human Sexuality Music Project.pdf
Comments (1)
wikiuser0417 said
at 10:49 pm on Feb 1, 2014
Should the paper be single-spaced or double? I don't want to get points off for having the wrong spacing.
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