  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by Naug 7 years, 11 months ago




  Review for Final          



Repro Class Notes  

BC Class Notes

Dating Abuse Class Notes

Eating Disorders Class Notes


  Click on the link below to help donate a free mammogram to someone in need!

The Breast Cancer Site 




We are going to use this site throughout the marking period.  Your contributions are expected and will be a major part of your grade.  I hope you all enjoy this experience!  I am going to ask you to keep a couple of things in mind while using PBWorks: 

  • Please use proper terminology at all times. 

  • No name dropping! 

  • Use common sense and maturity.  

  • Do not provide any personal information (phone numbers, etc.)

Any misuse of these rules will result in a reduction in your overall grade.

Each week you will be responsible for commenting on the article of the week and the discussion of the week.   If you only post once you will receive 5 points, and late posts (completed on Saturday only) will be 3 points.  



Assignment #1 due 2/19

HIV Vaccine


Assignment #2 due 2/26

Dating Abuse PSA


Assignment #3 due 3/4

Birth Control Discussion


This was my response on the Lady Gaga video to your posts:

Thank you for sharing. Many of you may not be aware of this, Lady Gaga was not just bring attention to a problem. She, herself is a survivor of sexual assault. The words and the emotions that were portrayed were very real, and many of you felt that.


Assignment #4 due 3/11

Same Sex Marriages


Assignment #5 due 3/18

My Younger Self



Assignment #6 due 3/24

An Introduction Letter 


Assignment #7 due 4/8

Unplanned Pregnancy Discussion








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